About our group

The Modelum Group has been working on Model-Driven Software Engineering (MDE) since 2005. In the first ten years, our work focused on MDE foundations and model-driven software modernization, some of the main results of this period are listed here. Since 2014 our main research line is model-driven NoSQL data engineering. We tried to take advantage of our experience in MDE to build tools that support NoSQL developers in tasks of schema visualization, code generation, reverse engineering, and design, among others.

Latest news

CodeQL extension released
The Java project related to the Orion extension, in charge of the code update by generating CodeQL queries, has been released and is now hosted on a public GitHub repository. You can now check it out in our Tools section.
SkiQL source code released
The Java projects containing SkiQL have now been released and is now hosted on a public GitHub repository. You can now check it out in our Tools section.
Orion source code released
The Java projects related to the Orion language, the Orion engine and the Alloy validation have been released and are now hosted on a public GitHub repository. You can now check them out in our Tools section.
Eirene source code released
The Java projects used to discover entity inheritance relationships in a U-Schema model have been released and are now hosted on a public GitHub repository. You can now check them out in our Tools section.
Athena source code released
The Eclipse projects containing the Athena language, along with the Athena engine have been released and are now hosted on a public GitHub repository. You can now check them out in our Tools section.
Inference source code released
The Java projects involved in inferring U-Schema models from running databases have been released and are now hosted on a public GitHub repository. You can now check them out in our Tools section.
New paper at CoMoNoS 2023
Paper "Propagating Schema Changes to Code: An Approach Based on a Unified Data Model" has been accepted at the CoMoNoS 2023 workshop, co-located with the EDBT/ICDT 2023 conference, held in Greece next March. When available, the paper link may be checked here.
U-Schema source code released
The U-Schema source code has been finally released and is hosted on a public GitHub repository. You can get additional information of it, as well as a link to the repository in our Tools section.
Alberto receives his PhD degree
ModelUM member Alberto Hernández Chillón received his PhD after defending the thesis titled "Multi-Model Database Engineering based on a Unified Data Model" at the University of Murcia. Congratulations Alberto!
Carlos receives his PhD degree
ModelUM member Carlos Javier Fernández Candel received his PhD after defending the thesis titled "A Unified Data Metamodel for Relational and NoSQL databases: Schema Extraction and Query" at the University of Murcia. Congratulations Carlos!
New paper published on IS
Paper "A unified metamodel for NoSQL and relational databases" has been published on the Information Systems journal with open access and is already available. You can now find it on the following link.
New paper published on KnoSyS
Paper "Discovering Entity Inheritance Relationships in Document Stores" has been published on the Knowledge-Based Systems journal and is already available. You can now find it on the following link, and find additional information about the tool on our Tools section.
New paper at CoMoNoS 2021
Paper "Athena: A Database-Independent Schema Definition Language" has been accepted at the CoMoNoS 2021 workshop, held in Canada next October. When available, the paper link may be checked here.
New paper at ER 2021
Paper "Towards a Taxonomy of Schema Changes for NoSQL Databases: The Orion Language" has been accepted as a short paper at the ER 2021 conference, which will be held in Canada next October. When available, the paper link may be checked here.
CoMoNoS 2021 - Call for papers
The 2nd edition of the Workshop on Conceptual Modeling for NoSQL Data Stores will be co-located with ER 2021, and Diego Sevilla and Jesús García Molina will be part of the Program Committee. The call for papers deadline is June 16, 2021. For additional info please check the official website.
CoMoNoS 2020 papers available
CoMoNoS papers "Deimos: A Model-based NoSQL Data Generation Language" and "Managing Physical Schemas in MongoDB Stores" are now available on the Springer webpage. We have also added them to the publications page with a link to the download page. You can check them here.
We have a new webpage!
Slowly but surely we are migrating the content from the old domain to this one. Updates, new projects and publications will be shown here. We will keep this frontpage updated with the last news regarding the group!
Two papers at CoMoNoS 2020
Papers "Deimos: A Model-based NoSQL Data Generation Language" and "Managing Physical Schemas in MongoDB Stores" were accepted at CoMoNoS 2020. The event will be held online on 3-6 November 2020 with free registrations for non-authors here.
CoMoNoS 2020 - Call for papers
The 1st Workshop on Conceptual Modeling for NoSQL Data Stores will be co-located with ER 2020, and two members of ModelUM will be part of the Program Committee. The call for papers period has been extended until July 27, 2020. For additional info please check the official website.
NoSQL workshop in Hamburg
ModelUM was invited to take part to a NoSQL Workshop held in Hamburg, Germany. Jesús García Molina, Diego Sevilla Ruiz and Alberto Hernández Chillón took part in it showing the group last advancements on NoSQL schema applications, current path of work and future developments.



Department of Computer Science and Systems,
Faculty of Computer Science, University of Murcia,
30100 Campus de Espinardo,
Murcia, Spain

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